![]() 北美新天地電視公司現代婚戀生活系列電視片 姻緣
她是一檔以北美現代生活方式和節奏的大型婚戀交友節目,全新設計的婚戀交友平臺,高質量的婚戀交友 嘉賓,最現代和新型的婚戀交友模式,是一部完整的年青專業人士的生活系列電視片。所有的表演都由參 加節目的嘉賓自己擔當,每一個嘉賓都有一個角色,都有一份工作,都有一種責任,更會盡各自的義務來 創造屬於他們自己的生活,找到自己的另一半,尋覓到屬於自己的姻緣。各位朋友,請今天就加入我們的 節目,加入到這一溫馨的大家庭中來,我們都等著您!
節目主辦:北美新天地電視公司 參加節目:單身亞裔男,女年齡在22歲到38歲 地區限制:主要以紐約,新州,賓州費城地區等為主 參加方法:電子郵件和電話報名,填表註冊,等待驗證通過成為會員(姻緣節目劇組會員) 節目語言:英語為主 會員收費: 第一期$480, 2014年2月至2015年12月31日, 總計22個月。
姻緣 結成夫妻的機會,緣分:美滿姻緣|莫失好姻緣|千裏姻緣一線牽。
姻yīn::男女嫁娶:婚姻姻緣由婚姻關係而結成的親屬:姻親聯姻緣(緣)yuán :因由,因為:緣由緣何(為何,因何)緣故緣起宿命論認為人與人之間命中註定。
千裏姻緣一線牽Trinidad accompany marriage/True love will remain, despite separation of great distances, even if by only a single thread/Happy fate which brings lovers together……
千裏姻緣 指婚姻是由月下老人暗中用一紅線牽連男女雙方的腳而成。故事見唐•李復言“續玄怪錄•定婚店”清曹雪芹“紅樓夢”第57回:“自古道:'千裏姻緣一線牽”管姻緣的有一位月下老兒,預先註定,暗裡只用一根紅線,把這兩個人的腳絆住。”
歡迎加入我們的節目,自己找到這根紅線,打造屬於自己的姻緣。 聯繫我們:電話 732 508-3233 網站 www.yinyuanusa.com
ICEPN TV is Proud to Present
the “Predestined One”
This brand new never before seen TV show will feature a revolutionized platform along with a “performance stage” for our young Asian American singles to find his or her other half.
Participants will not only include the actors of the show but everyone from the screenwriter to camera crew and even the audience. This innovative platform will allow our Asian American singles to mingle together not in a scripted or confined manner, but rather put them in an open-book, where
they are the author, artist and the brush.
A huge variety of events will be planned and hosted throughout a one year period which will incorporate 24+ episodes of content. These events will provide an exceptional and unique taste for each episode but mostly importantly, allow our members to interact, understand, and even bond with each other through these series of events. Individual talents, abilities and even knowledge will be brought forth for all to see and through that, we hope our members will find in each other their 姻缘.
Features of the Show:
- Targeted for Single Asian Americans young professionals (Ages 22-38) who are truly looking to begin the next step of their life with a special someone
- A brand new innovative never before seen style and platform to hit the dating show world
- A pure reality show unscripted, all at the participants hands
- Filmed and produced on location at specially designed events for participants to interact and mingle
- A huge wide variety of events ranging from small concerts, talent shows, to gaming events, allowing everyone to show their unique character and skill set
- For the first time ever, parents and even friends are allowedto join participants throughout the show
- Dedicated website and social media tools for constant updates to keep yourself and your fellow singles updated and informed!
Call us: 732 508-3233 or www.yinyuanusa.com
(责任编辑:admin) |