Hayley Westenra將古典音樂與商業流行完美結合,純然天使般的嗓音讓她的唱片《Pure》賣得非常好。這個17歲的新西蘭女孩不光贏得了她英聯邦父老鄉親們的寵愛,也成功地打進美國市場。於是,2003年她初露頭角,2004年她俘虜全球,在這個白日化熱炒性感美眉耍勁歌、半老徐娘玩小資、白癡哥哥唱臟話的熱鬧歌壇,Hayley Westenra帶出她出淤泥而不染的質樸,送出脫俗之聲的同時,也為人們勾勒了壹方久違的純凈畫面。
If I could take this moment forever 如果我可以感受此刻到永遠
Turn the pages of my mind 回到我心中扉頁
To another place and time 到另壹個情境和時空
We would never say goodbye 我們決不會說再見
If I could take this moment forever 如果我可以感受此刻到永遠
Turn the pages of my mind 回到我心中扉頁
To another place and time 到另壹個情境和時空
We would never say goodbye 我們決不會說再見
If I could find the words I would speak them 如果我能找到言語述說它們
Then I wouldn’t be tongue-tied 那我決不會語無倫次
When I looked into your eyes 當我凝望妳的眼睛
We would never say goodbye 我們決不會說再見
Then I wouldn’t be tongue-tied 那我決不會語無倫次
When I looked into your eyes 當我凝望妳的眼睛
We would never say goodbye 我們決不會說再見
If I could stop the moon ever rising 如果我能攔住月亮的上升
Day would not become the night 白天將不會變成夜晚
Wouldn’t feel this cold inside 將不會有內心的寒冷
And we’d never say goodbye 我們就不會說再見
Day would not become the night 白天將不會變成夜晚
Wouldn’t feel this cold inside 將不會有內心的寒冷
And we’d never say goodbye 我們就不會說再見
I wish that our dreams were frozen 我期盼我們的夢境凝凍
Then our hearts would not be broken 我們的心就不會破碎
When we let each other go...當我們讓彼此分離的時刻
Then our hearts would not be broken 我們的心就不會破碎
When we let each other go...當我們讓彼此分離的時刻
If I could steal this moment forever 如果我能深藏此刻到永遠
Paint a picture-perfect smile 描繪壹幅開心的畫面
So our story stayed alive 那麽我們的故事依然生動
We would never say goodbye 我們決不會說再見
Paint a picture-perfect smile 描繪壹幅開心的畫面
So our story stayed alive 那麽我們的故事依然生動
We would never say goodbye 我們決不會說再見