電話電郵瀏覽 歡迎洽詢聯絡
《久安福音電視網絡公司》是美國紐約州政府、紐約州教育局註冊批准的非贏利機構,英文名稱:Peaceever Gospel TV Network Inc. 可為企業、機構、商會以及新移民等提供各類服務,實乃社區的福音。
"Peaceever Gospel TV Network Inc" is a non-profit organization registered in New York State government and State New York The State Education Department approved , can provide all kinds of services to enterprises, institutions, chambers of commerce and new immigrants, That is an exercise gospel to the community.
Tel:Office: 212-574-4593 718-7098367 Cell: 347-8311111 646-319-6718
Email: peace100@gmail.com shenkwen@gmail.com (责任编辑:admin) |