久安視訊 聯合國網合集團舉辦世界與中國文化交流活動月公告 聯合國副秘書長南威哲接受美國中文電視記者采訪 相關報道請點擊這裏 還有這裏
根據世界華人友好團結聯盟、聯合國網合集團與聯合國秘書處人道事務外交部部長和人道協調廳廳長6月28日會談結果, 世界華人友好團結聯盟、聯合國網合集團將對人道主義救助做出更多的貢獻,為此特決定在8月7日“響應聯合國,支援貧困弱勢婦女人道救濟活動,暨徐進國畫聯合國精品展”活動結束後,從2012年8月8日開始,舉辦世界與中國文化交流活動月。在此一個月的期間內,聯合國網合集團會邀請來自不同國家藝術團體及個人,舉辦多種形式、多元化的文化藝術交流演出、畫展、服裝秀以及各種才藝等的展示活動,在為世界文化與中國文化交流與融合提供平臺的同時,讓來參加活動的團體和個人,能夠為聯合國人道救援和幫助貧困婦女兒童事業貢獻一點力量和擔負更多的責任。
2002年,聯合國秘書長啟動了“千年項目”,目標是制定一項具體的行動計劃,以便在全球範圍內實現“千年發展目標”和減輕影響著幾十億人口的貧窮、饑餓和疾病問題。 世界華人友好團結聯盟、聯合國網合集團作為首家入駐聯合國大樓的華人民間機構,對於積極響應聯合國千年計劃有著義不容辭的責任和義務,正如聯合國千年計劃文件中所宣示的那樣:世界真的是命運相濟,對於許多參與工作隊、秘書處工作的人員和各國的民間機構、慈善團體來說,這是一項獻愛心的工作。
地址是:866 United Nations Plaza Suite 265, New York, NY 10017,
電話:646-738-5700 傳真:646-738-5799
Email: uncg866lin@gmail.com 手機:646-269-0936
United Nations Commutech Group (UNCG) Hosts International and Chinese Cultural Activities Exchange Month Bulletin See Press Conference Content Below: According to the World Alliance for Chinese (WAC), United Nations Commutech Group (UNCG), Chief of External Relations and Partnerships Section Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), and the Director of OCHA meeting on June 28, the WAC and the UNCG will contribute more to humanitarian relief. Thus, after their event “ 2012 United Nations Commutech Group Empowering Underprivileged Women -- Humanitarian Relief & Art Exhibition of Traditional Chinese Paintings by Jin Xu” on August 7, starting August 8, 2012, they will be hosting an International and Chinese Cultural Activities Exchange month. During this period of time, UNCG will invite performing organizations and individuals from different countries and host a wide range of cultural and artistic performances, art exhibitions, fashion shows, and a variety of talent shows. At the same time, this will create a foundation for an international and Chinese cultural exchange as well as allow the participants of the program to be able to contribute to the United Nations’ humanitarian relief and the assisting under-privileged women and children causes with more strength and responsibility. In 2002, the United Nations’ Under-Secretary-General launched the “Millennium Project,” with the objective to develop a specific plan of action in order to achieve the “Millennium Development Goals” and to reduce the impact that hunger, poverty, and disease have on billions of people. The WAC and the UNCG, as the first Chinese civil organizations of the United Nations, have responsibilities and obligations towards the Millennium Project. As declared in the United Nations’ Millennium Project: everyone in this world shares a mutual dependence with each other, and should therefore help each other; for many participating working teams, secretariats, national non-governmental sectors, and charity organizations, this is a work of love. Therefore, the WAC and the UNCG, specifically through media campaigning, encourage any national groups, civil organizations, and individuals, who wish to attend the International and Cultural Chinese Activities Exchange Month to sign up. The UNCG exhibition and conference hall will serve as a nonprofit venue for the activities, to accommodate and support the participants of the International and Chinese Cultural Activities Exchange Month. The participants of the International and Chinese Cultural Activities Exchange Month should clear their schedule after 5:00pm, in order to participate and enjoy the activities with the national officials and employees of the United Nations Headquarters. If you have any inquiries or requests, please contact us. Address: 866 United Nations Plaza Suit 265, New York, NY 10017, Tel: 646-738-5700 Fax: 646-738-5799 Email: uncg866lin@gmail.com Cell: 646-269-0936 (责任编辑:admin) |